Saturday, December 1, 2007

Too much going on!

I've been overloaded lately with school and the kids, and in brief interims, I've got three projects going. I'm doing a pair of longies for Joe, a sweater for Nico and a seed-stitch scarf for a Secret Santa which I'm not sure i want to roll with because the yarn pattern comes out like camoflauge which wasn't my intention when I bought it, and now my oldest son likes it, so I may have to come up with something different for the Secret Santa. Anyway...I gave away a heap of acrylic yarn leftovers, and now my closet is looking better, the beer bottle is long gone, and Mat has been making an effort to get the computer room clean. Yay!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Where's my machete?

This is harder going than I thought, but I am making headway, nonetheless. I've reclaimed one shelf in the linen closet: no easy feat. My desk, however, looks worse than before, and the beer bottle is still there. (Note to self: throw away the damn beer bottle, already! What's your problem?) I've listed my yarn on for my area, and already have three folks interested. It's hard to decide who to give free stuff to. I'm going to give it another few hours to see who else is interested and then arbitrarily pick my favorite. I also need time to see if I have any other yarn to add to it since I'm not quite done with my cleaning.

My linen closet hallway is cluttered with my sewing stuff which I haven't figured out a home for yet. In the process of gutting the closet, however, I found a long strip of blue, plaid fleece leftover from a pj I made for Nico. I used my rotary cutter to trim and even it up, cut strips at the ends, tied them and voila, I have a warm, perfectly serviceable scarf that happens to match my least favorite coat. *sigh* Waste not, want (a new coat).

I also came up with a total brainstorm about what to do with a quilt block I made a few months ago. The freaking thing took me all afternoon to put together, and I was going to make a baby bag out of it, but it was too huge to consider, and since I don't have the foggiest how to make a baby bag, it remained tucked in the closet, unused and therefore, unadmired. So now, I've decided to throw some leftover skinny batting in the middle, back it with a matching piece and put an additional few pieces on the back which I will quilt into pencil-like pockets for my hooks and needles! That way I can keep them in one place in a FAR more attractive holder than the current Yahtzee cup, which is certain to tip over any minute from the 14" knitting needles.

So that's my progress report - I anticipate being fully organized and sewing cloth diapers by this evening. I'll let you know.

Monday, October 29, 2007


I am about to begin a cleansing journey with the help of this blog and I'm going to organize my crochet and knitting materials. This seemingly insurmountable task looms before me like tax season for the self-employed. In the process, cleaning my desk will be tantamount to my success. Between me and my monitor are clothes hangers, empty M&M's wrappers (peanut, of course), books, an empty beer bottle, barettes, a glue stick, a bra and OH so much more. I spy some of my stash on my desk as well - a skein of white bedspread weight crochet thread, a half-finished prototype crocheted hat, and a Yahtzee cup with most of my crochet hooks and a few pens in it. Indeed, the day that lies ahead will be rife with organizational challenges, but I am up to the task! Currently, my linen closet, couch and computer room closet hold pieces and parts of my yarn stash and crochet and knitting tools. (Nevermind the quilting notions, that's for another blog). Today, I challenge myself to sort through, organize and log my stash into so that I can take steps to making something of the inordinate amount of yarn I currently have so that I can resist temptation to purchase even more. My next post will contain the befores and afters, so be sure to check back!